+94 (0)71 734 3909


DropByDrop platform comprehensive reporting on individual meters, and standard web site facilities to access most modern analytical and graphical views with regular alerts such as Leakage, Reverse Flow, battery Status, Pending bills etc. with integrated billing facilities with billing data Import And Export facilities. Apartment water Sub metering can bill each apartment exactly for their water usage, even though the building is billed for the total amount of water used. This can save money and establish ways to use less water. provides accurate cost allocation of the water used or consumed by each individual unit, the management of the whole block can recover all the water usage fees. This ensures that the building management can recover all the costs and not become liable for any disagreements between individual units using more, or less, than other owners. dividing the water cost between each unit, based upon its square footage and not the number of occupants or actual usage. This DropByDrop ensures that water wastage is reduced as each owner will analyze their individual bill.

DBD Apartment Sub-metering System